Worship at FCC is a time to reconnect with the Divine, with self, and with others. We value music, silence, community, and the proclamation of the Word. Sunday morning worship is a time of celebration!
“Passing the Peace” is a central part of our gathering
At this time we leave the comfort of our seats (though some stay rooted to their spot) and walk among the congregation, extending the hand of friendship, often with these words, “The peace of Christ be with you” and receive the words in turn, “And also with you.” Sometimes people just say, “Welcome!” or “Hello!” The words matter less than the gesture itself and while a simple gesture, its meaning is profound. By it we identify with Jesus, who offers “the peace that passes understanding” (Philippians 4:7) and we symbolize our unity as a community gathered in Jesus’ name. If you join us, feel welcome to stay rooted in your spot and let us come to you or feel free to roam as many of us do, seeking out one another to greet in the name of Christ!
The Communion Table at our church belongs to Jesus and, therefore, is open to all who would come and eat, including children. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper every first Sunday of each month. Communion is not an exclusive rite but an extravagant welcome to any and all persons who may be longing to meet Christ. (Now serving gluten-free bread).
Every week we collect an Offering to support the mission and ministry of our church. While we welcome your gifts, if you are a guest among us, please do not feel that you must give an offering. Our members commit to support the church through their talents and treasures.
Worship is followed by Hospitality Hour, a time of light refreshment and conversation. If you visit us, please stay and let us get to know you better!
The preacher’s sermons are not dogmatic declarations of what is TRUE
But thoughtful reflections that invite congregational response, personal and communal, and are meant to prompt the listening congregation to their own reflections. If you want a dogmatic approach to religion that is Certain TRUTH where the answers are more important than the questions, then FCC may not be for you. If you care to be on a journey of discovery, to embrace ambiguity, and to live the questions while grounding your search in the witness of Scripture and the Gospel of Christ, then come and see. We invite your exploration and welcome your questions.
We seek to follow the way of Jesus. No matter who you are, no matter where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome in this United Church of Christ congregation.
We value community, relationship, and trust in the God who reveals love in the most surprising ways! Join us!
First Congregational Church of Stamford is an inclusive Christian community
Dedicated to the following and sharing the teachings of Jesus Christ, encouraging spiritual growth, through worship, education, and outreach. We welcome and celebrate individual interpretation of our faith in covenant with God.
Membership and Associate Membership (maintaining ties to another church as well) are open to all people who seek to follow Jesus.
We welcome new members into the church several times a year.Contact the church office for future dates.
Download our Member Information Card and return it to the church office if you are interested in learning more about church membership.
Our Sunday worship services and every time we meet is a fiesta. We experience faith as a come-as-you-are dinner party where music, food, and friendship flourish. We strive to cultivate faith as a community where relationships are meaningful.
As a church, we embrace a fiesta where everyone is welcome. We sing traditional hymns and contemporary songs. We celebrate and practice love as a verb, not as a noun. It’s who we are and who we want to become more and more: people who love their neighbors as God has loved us just as we are.